Trail of Dreams

What is Trail of Dreams?
Trail of Dreams is an Elk County Riders ATV initiative to connect the communities in Elk County through municipal roads and private land trails.
The connection would link with the Marienville Trails in Spring Creek and Highland Twp., continue through to the Ridgway area, onto Fox Twp. then Jay Twp. and complete in Benezette Twp. Another connection would be made to St. Marys as well north to the Johnsonburg/Wilcox Area. Eventually we would hope to continue due east to Cameron County.
In 2022, Elk County Riders ATV has partnered with Sandy, Horton, and Huston Townships to open roads from Elk County to Clearfield County, Treasure Lake Cayman Landing for camping on the trail. We’re excited to see this joint venture unfold more in 2023!
“Trail of Dreams” is a huge endeavor for Elk County Riders ATV. This vision of connecting communities with ATV trails and roads will have a huge economic impact and an equal recreational benefit to residents and visitor’s young and old alike.
We have several fundraisers throughout the year and apply for grant funding to help our vision. We are asking for your support with a Single or Family Membership or a monetary gift. Support can also be in the form of a lending hand with fundraisers or events.

Want to Make a Donation?
If you’d like to make a donation towards our goal of a completed Trail of Dreams, please click the PayPal link below. Thank you!
The Elk County Riders ATV is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Your donation to our organization allows us the opportunity to create a better ATV community in our area.